Body Lift Case Study 1

This gentleman had lost a considerable amount of weight and underwent a total bodylift. Skin is removed from all the way around the abdomen and allows one also to tighten the abdominal wall which is often weakened following weight loss. The final result is seen almost a year afterwards. The improvement in contour is considerable. Patients must be aware of the prolonged recovery and need to consult with plastic surgeons experienced in the technique. It is important for patients to mobilise early and by improving surgical techniques this procedure can be carried out without drains and an immediate mobilisation programme instigated hours following surgery. Patients are often able to go home the next day although it will take a number of weeks to be able to regain full normal posture. The posterior image of this lady above shows that if this lady had chosen an abdominoplasty it would not have addressed this area. A body lift is able to help lift the excess skin and improve the contour of the buttock region. It is much superior to a buttock lift in obtaining this result and patients with similar issues must consult with a plastic surgeon with experience in total body lifting to go through the pros and cons of the differing techinques.

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