5 things you should know about sun cream

When going on holiday, everyone usually remembers to pack sun cream. This check list will help you make sure you’re picking the right sun cream and making the right decisions, and also give you some top tips to avoid sun burn.


  1. There’s a difference between UVA and UVB

UVB rays are the burning rays that cause sun burn; they damage the superficial layers of the skin.

UVA rays however penetrate your skin much deeper, and these are the rays which can cause skin cancer. 


  1. You need a ‘broad spectrum’ sun cream 

This means that you need to check the UVA star system which can be found on your sun cream bottle. The star rating ranges from zero to five, and this measures how much of the UVA rays are absorbed by the sun cream. So it’s really important that you use a sun cream with a high UVA rating to get full protection – a UVA rating of 4-5 is considered a good standard, coupled with an SPF of at least 30.


  1. A higher factor doesn’t always mean a higher protection

Higher SPF’s do not always offer greater protection than the lower SPF’s, and this can lead people into a false sense of security. For example, SPF 30 offers a 97% protection from UVB rays, and SPF 50 protects against 98% UVB rays, so there isn’t much in it, that’s why it’s important to always re apply and keep an eye on your skin.


  1. You must reapply your sun cream  

Even if your sun cream states that it is water resistant, you are only protected for a certain amount of time once wet, so you will have to reapply your sun cream after getting wet. When on holiday in the sun you also sweat a lot, and this also affects the level of protection your sun cream provides as the sweat breaks down the sun cream, so again, even if you just lie on the sun bed and don’t move for hours, you must reapply your sun cream every couple of hours to maintain protection.


  1. Spray sun creams aren’t always the best option

Aerosol sun creams can include a lot of alcohol, and this can dry out your skin and hinder the protection your sun cream gives. This means when buying sun cream, check the label for alcohol in the list of ingredients. If the sun cream does include alcohol, then go for a different option as this cream is likely to dry out your skin and increase your risk of sun burn. 

Your initial Cosmetic Surgery Consultation with Mr. Ross. What to expect.

If you’re considering cosmetic surgery in Manchester you may well have already heard of Mr. Ross’s practice. If you haven’t then you will be able to obtain a lot of useful information from his website. You will also be able to read many online reviews from past patients on other independent websites. 


If you have come to Mr. Ross through a recommendation of a friend / colleague / GP/ medical practitioner it is worth looking through his website and doing your own research prior to your initial consultation. At your initial consultation the more research you have done regarding Mr. Ross’s practice the better. 


Although the general internet is a valuable resource for patients it is not individualized to your requirements and advice varies considerably. 


With Mr. Ross you will start a cosmetic surgery journey and at the initial consultation this will be an opportunity to meet Mr. Ross and ask him questions about what you are looking to achieve. You will always consult with Mr. Ross and the consultation is never delegated to another professional.


Mr. Ross takes a lot of time during the initial consult to show you examples of his work to try and give you a realistic expectation of what can be achieved. The aim is to give you sufficient information in order that you can make an informed decision to proceed.


Although Mr. Ross has performed thousands of cosmetic surgery procedures it is important that you realize that one size does not fit all and your individualized needs are very important. You need to be open and honest and every question is important to Mr. Ross. There are often many different options and it is important to have the opportunity to be taken through the pros and cons of the various options.  With so many new techniques and technologies the initial consultation process is only the first step on your cosmetic surgery journey. 


At the end of the initial consultation you will be given information about your intended procedure and any subsequent advice. If you are a suitable candidate and your expectations are realistic Mr. Ross will offer you a further consultation. You may well need more than one additional consultation.


It is important that you are given enough time to able to make an empowered decision to proceed. You may wish to speak to previous patients, anaesthetist, nursing and  ward staff and this can all be arranged for you. 


We aim to make your cosmetic surgery journey as pleasant and as informed as possible. We look forward to sharing this journey with you. 


To book an appointment and start your cosmetic surgery journey with Mr Ross call 01614014033 

How to keep your skin hydrated during winter


The icy winds and cold air that come with winter can be really bad for our skin, stripping it of its moisture. The cold air is known for causing dry, irritated skin and we have a few tips to help combat these winter issues.


  1. Hot showers are extremely tempting when it’s cold outside, yet this is really detrimental to your skin. The hot temperature removes many of the skins natural oils and moisture. It is important to keep your showers short and at a warm rather than hot temperature, this will ensure your skin stays hydrated throughout the winter months. 


  1. Another tip to combat winter dryness is to moisturise. Although this is an obvious tip, many of us become lazy in the winter when it comes to moisturising, eager to get back into our clothes after a warm shower. However, in order to keep our skin healthy and full of moisture, it is really important to moisturise. This helps to replenish any loss of moisture and will keep our skin free from flakiness. Moisturising throughout the day will ensure that our skin stays healthy and radiant during the winter period. 


  1. We can wrap up warm during winter, but one aspect that is always on show is our face. This takes a huge toll on our skin and our lips. In order to avoid sore, chapped lips, our top tip is to always carry a tub or stick of lip balm in your pocket to combat the icy air and its effects.


  1. Our hands go through the paces every day, and this can become evident in winter. We have a few tips to help keep hands soft and free from dryness: always wear gloves when washing up at home and try to moisturise each time after washing your hands. These tricks will help lock in moisture and leave your hands feeling soft. Another tip is to remember to always have a pair of gloves on you to keep your hands out of the harsh weather. 

Why You Should Quit Smoking Before Surgery

Smoking and Surgery


To quit smoking in general is difficult but quitting before surgery, and continuing to refrain post-surgery, can make dramatic differences to your recovery and is one of the most beneficial changes any patient can make. Giving up the habit is a smart decision no matter what the circumstances are as there are so many positive impacts to your health. It can also significantly decrease the risk of complications for patients during and after surgery. Smokers are forever being inundated with information about the health risks of smoking, however, the benefits to your health by quitting prior to surgery are immediate and substantial.


When to Quit Smoking Before Surgery


With each passing smoke-free day the overall risk of complications lessens. The earlier a smoker can quit, prior to surgery, the better. Even 12 hours prior to surgery, patients have noticed a difference when abstaining from smoking. Mr Ross advises his patients to have stopped smoking for a minimum of 6 weeks prior to surgery and quitting smoking for this long will have dramatic effects on your health and recovery.

8 weeks before surgery: the risk of clot related problems decrease (i.e. heart attack and stroke), the body’s immunity will improve which decreases the risk of infection and the response to anaesthetic medications also improves.

3 weeks before surgery: the wound healing time is quicker.

2 weeks before surgery: less breathing problems will occur during surgery.

12 hours before surgery: improved oxygenation, blood pressure and heart rate.


A smoker’s cough can disrupt the abdominal healing of a tummy tuck, breast reconstruction complication rates are significantly increased by smoking and after breast reduction, healing of surgical wounds can be impaired. Smokers undergoing facelift procedures are 13 times more likely to experience skin necrosis compared to non-smokers. They also face a higher risk of a hematoma (bleeding) after surgery.

In general, being a non-smoker or giving up smoking is a key eligibility criterion for candidacy in all surgical procedures.


After Surgery

Continuing to abstain after surgery will improve recovery time and continue to decrease the risk of complications. It is found that by refraining from smoking after surgery – wound healing is improved; the risk of pneumonia is decreased and overall recovery time is minimized.


How to Quit Smoking

Quitting is not easy but the long-term results and effects make it completely worthwhile. For many people going ‘cold turkey’ is the best way for them to give up smoking, without the use of patches or similar products. Some find nicotine replacements effective, this is where nicotine can be obtained from a source other than cigarettes, such as nicotine gum, patches, lozenges and nasal sprays. 

Long term, the benefits of continuing life as a non-smoker are enormous, decreasing the risk of cancer, severe breathing problems, heart problems and early death from other causes.


Mr Ross always discusses the pros and cons of surgery with his patients, and if you are a smoker Mr Ross will be very clear on when you need to stop smoking before surgery, and if you want to carry on smoking after you have had surgery he will make it clear when it is safe to do so. To discuss any cosmetic surgery options with Mr Ross, book in for a consultation.

Why drains are unnecessary following abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures. The operation involves the undermining of the abdominal skin, repositioning and removal of skin excess. It is an excellent means of rejuvenating the abdomen following pregnancy and weight loss.

Traditionally drains have been used to reduce the chance of hematoma and seroma. The treatment of seromas can be complex and involve multiple aspirations. Reduction of seroma rates is essential to improve long-term satisfaction for patients.

There is no evidence that drains prevent the incidence of seroma and surgical techniques may well be the key to decreasing the incidence of seroma.

Drains have been shown to increase hospital stays, limit mobilization, increase patient discomfort and are an additional source of infection.


A recent publication has highlighted the need to look at surgical technique rather than the use of drains to limit seromas. Preservation of the deep lymphatic vessels requires dissection in a superficial plane with preservation of thin layer of fascia, Scarpa fascia that exists within the abdominal fat. This is a distinct anatomical structure and although more difficult to identify for the inexperienced surgeon is a distinct entity. Preservation of this holds the key to reduction of seroma.

Mr. Ross uses the same described method of dissection for all his patients and has not used surgical drains for a number of years. Mr. Ross has not at the time of writing had a seroma using this method. Mr. Ross does not use drains and does not believe that there is any association between the use of drains and the prevention of seroma. 

Mr. Ross almost always strengthens the abdominal wall and almost always recommends surgical garments. Mr. Ross mobilizes all patients immediately postoperatively and believes that garments provide patients additional support when mobilizing postoperatively. 




Quaba AA1, Conlin S, Quaba O. The no-drain, no-quilt abdominoplasty: a single-surgeon series of 271 patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Mar;135(3):751-60.

Why are we scared of growing old?

The media is often to blame for our fear of growing old. Pushing products in our direction constantly to ‘fight the signs of ageing’, airbrushing every fine line from sight and criticising every public figure for their lack of perfect appearance. 

Anti wrinkle creams are a best seller worldwide, and no wonder, each of us wanting to look younger for longer, to retain that youthful look. But the truth is, there reaches a point when we are no longer young, and why is that such a bad thing?  


“60 is the new 50”


I’m sure all of us have heard this saying, meaning that yes, we are feeling younger in ourselves, and no, 60 really isn’t that old! So what I’m turning 60, I still feel 26 on the inside. 

I’m sure many of us do not feel our age, so why are we scared of growing older? 

We shouldn’t be scared to grow old; we’ve earned it!

And just like we’ve earned our age, we’ve earned those wrinkles! 60 long years on this Earth doesn’t come without some wear and tear, so bat those adverts away telling you to fight the signs of ageing – each of those wrinkles tells a tale of your life and they should be worn with pride. The media love to dictate how women should look: no wrinkles, lovely firm skin and a slim toned figure. Many of us are well aware that this is simply unattainable for the average person, wrinkles are a sign of ageing, and so is sagging skin. We should not be fighting the signs of ageing, but rather embracing them. 


“A lady of her age shouldn’t be dressed like that”


Well why not? Why is it that society decides that when a woman reaches a certain age she must fade into the background and stick to a plain cardigan and some skin coloured tights. Our personalities do not fade with age, so why should we? The elderly are not ‘them’, but rather ‘us’, we should not throw them aside as soon as they become old and worn, but rather accept them for all that they are, which is, part of us. So no, we should not be scared to grow old; we will be before we know it. So enjoy the life that you live. One should never consider a cosmetic treatment in order to conform or to fit in to society.


Will cosmetic surgery stop the ageing process? 


The decision to engage in cosmetic treatments is an individual one and although it can improve quality of life a consultation is the best way to determine the pros and cons and risks. Mr Ross offers open and honest consultations and will only offer treatments that he feels are in your best interest. Mr Ross consults with over 1000 patients per year but will only offer treatments to on around 300-400 patients that he consults with.

Where should I put my breast implants?

According to BAAPS breast augmentation is the commonest surgical procedure for cosmetic reasons within the UK. One of the commonest questions patients ask is whether to place implants above or under the muscle.

Historically it has been perceived that implants under the muscle may lead to less palpability, rippling and visibility in the upper pole compared with implants above the muscle. Historically there has been a trend to place breast implants under the muscle and more recently into a dual plane position. 

As more cohesive breast implants have been developed the increased cohesion of the silicone has reduced the problems of palpability, rippling and visibility. Anatomical implants are also now widely available, where the upper pole that could also sit under the muscle has less volume than the lower pole, meaning that the chance of palpability, rippling and visibility in the upper pole can be further reduced. There has therefore more recently been a trend to place anatomical cohesive silicone gel implants in the subglandular plane.


It is well known that the placement of implants above the muscle in the subglandular plane allows the implants to be placed closer to the midline – a position that aids cleavage. Patients with subglandular implants describe the implants feeling more like a breast whereas implants under the muscle can feel more fixed in position with less mobility. It is believed that implants under the muscle are also more prone to malposition.

A recent study from Brazil has assessed the effect of implants in the subglandular plane vs the dual plane. They assessed the volume changes of the skin, breast and muscle as a result of placing the implants in different planes using MRI imaging at various time intervals. They have shown that 12 months following breast augmentation that implants in the subglandular plane lead to a 22% reduction in glandular volume with no reduction in muscle volume. On the other hand implants under the muscle in a dual plane position showed a 14.5% reduction in glandular volume 50% reduction in muscle volume with no reduction in glandular volume. This is due to atrophy of the pectoralis major muscle. 




Roxo AC1, Nahas FX, Salin R, de Castro CC, Aboudib JH, Marques RG. Volumetric Evaluation of the Mammary Gland and Pectoralis Major Muscle following Subglandular and Submuscular Breast Augmentation.

Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Jan;137(1):62-9. 


When should you decide to have plastic surgery?

It is advised for anyone considering surgery to be at their ideal weight; this means that the results achieved can be maintained and will not change dramatically with any dramatic weight loss or gain. It is also advised that women should have completed their family before considering undergoing any procedure involving their breasts and their stomach, as pregnancy can alter these results. 


Undergoing plastic surgery can also be a way to regain your body confidence. If your body has sagged with age or as a result of pregnancy, there are many options available to rejuvenate your body and give a more youthful look. This can increase your self-confidence and can provide you with a new lease of life.

It is also important to do a lot of research into the surgery you wish to have and with the surgeon who will operate on you. Knowing what outcome you want to achieve and how you can go about this is important before deciding on going ahead with surgery. The lasting result of surgery cannot always be reversed, and so if you are unsure of what you want to go ahead with, it is important to discuss your options with your surgeon and be fully confident on what you have done before you undergo any procedure. 

Mr Ross will always make sure his patients are 100% confident in the procedure they wish to go ahead with, and make sure that this procedure is right for that individual patient. Mr Ross tailors all of his procedures to that individual patient to ensure patient satisfaction.

When deciding to undergo a cosmetic procedure, it is important that you have realistic expectations. You must be aware of the result you desire and the achievability of this result. Every surgery has its limitation and absolute perfection cannot be achieved – it does not exist. 

Mr Ross will always be clear with patients about what can be achieved specific to their body type and the procedure they have opted for. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations so that they are not disappointed with their final result. 


If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, book in for a consultation with Mr Ross where he will explain all of your options to you and make you aware of your likely results. 


When is it time to get a Mummy Makeover?

For many individuals, getting body rejuvenation surgery is a question of when, not if. If you have decided that a surgical solution to your sagging skin is in your future, remember that everyone ages in a unique way and on an individual timeline. There is no specific point at which it is clear that it is time to undergo surgery. Nonetheless, there are specific indicators that you can watch out for to help you decide when it would be best for you to reap the benefits of this life-changing body rejuvenation surgery.

Signs to Look For

Certain signs of aging can be valuable indicators that it may be time for you to consider Mummy Makeover surgery. The signs usually include sagging breasts and sagging skin around your tummy area; these effects usually take place after childbirth. Skin laxity is extremely common after childbirth and a Mummy Makeover can give your body a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

If you have observed these things, schedule your initial consultation for Mummy Makeover surgery so that Mr Ross can help you determine whether now is the right time for your surgery.

Important factors to bear in mind

When considering whether to undergo breast and abdominal rejuvenation surgery it is important that you have completed your family in order to sustain the results you will achieve. It is also important to be at a stable weight and at your ideal weight, as any large fluctuations in your weight may also alter your results. It is also important to keep up a healthy lifestyle in order to get the best results from your body.


The right age for body rejuvenation surgery is determined by individual needs. If you think it may be time for you to get this surgery, request your personal consultation with Mr Ross today by filling out our online enquiry form.

When is it time to get a facelift?

 For many individuals, getting facelift surgery is a question of when, not if. If you have decided that a facelift is in your future, remember that everyone ages in a unique way and on an individual timeline. There is no specific point at which it is clear that it is time to undergo a facelift. Nonetheless, there are specific indicators that you can watch out for to help you decide when it would be best for you to reap the benefits of this life-changing facial rejuvenation surgery.

Aging Signs to Look For

Certain signs of aging can be valuable indicators that it may be time for you to consider facelift surgery. These usually do not include the first signs of nasolabial folds and the early signs of facial sagging. Instead, you should be on the lookout for moderate to severe signs of facial aging. Loosened facial muscles, deeper furrows and folds, lax skin, sagging jowls, and sagging skin and muscles on the neck may all require surgical correction with a facelift. Patients should be on the lookout for these more advanced signs of aging in the lower face. If you have observed these things, schedule your initial consultation for facelift surgery so that Mr Ross can help you determine whether now is the right time for your surgery.


The Role of Age in Facelift Surgery Timing

Age plays an important role in determining the timing of your facelift surgery. A facelift corrects signs of aging that typically appear in patients between the ages of 50 and 60. Therefore, most patients who undergo facelift surgery are within this age range. However, some individuals with particularly good skin laxity, favourable genetics, and a healthy lifestyle may be able to achieve their desired results by undergoing facelift surgery even into their 70s. Others with signs of premature aging, especially those who smoke or have extensive sun damage to their skin, may be younger candidates for facelift surgery. 

The right age for facelift surgery is determined by individual needs. If you think it may be time for you to get this surgery, request your personal consultation with Mr Ross today by filling out our online enquiry form.