What Is Body Contouring Surgery?

From all the surgery options that are available for patients, you may be asking what is body contouring surgery and how can it benefit you? In the next series of our vlog, we’ll be looking into the surgery and understanding further details about the type of surgery it is and in what ways can it help you.

What is body contouring surgery? Body contouring is defined as a way of a surgeon to alter and change the contour of the body through liposuction. During the process, fat is removed from the body to provide it with more definition. If needed, it is possible for the fat to be removed and purified. This means the surgeon can use the same body that they removed to inject it in other areas of the body. This so surgeons can provide the results that they need for the patient and place the fat in places that are needed. 

To understand what is body contouring, a case study is provided in the video which shows results pre and post-op. This particular patient has body-contouring surgery around her buttocks area and the results show great improvements.

Body contouring surgery can make improvements in many different ways to the body and it’s important that you go through the direct and indirect ways through your consultation which is performed before you take up surgery.

If you’d like more information on body contouring then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our bodylift case study page.

Having Plastic Surgery After Pregnancy

There has been a rapid expansion of patients wishing to have plastic surgery after pregnancy and the main areas are the breast and abdomen which they wish to have worked on. Skin can stretch over time and with age which causes stretch marks and excess skin to form on the body. This can decrease the volume of the breasts and it normally requires a redefinition of the contour in the hips and waist.

Plastic surgery after pregnancy can help to alter and improve the body when this occurs. It’s worth noting, however, that it’s unlikely to make it appear as it first was. The way it does this is by decreasing the level of stretch marks and lifting the skin tissues to provide a smoother result. 

In the first case study provided, it shows an example of a patient who has had a breast augmentation and abdominoplasty plastic surgery after pregnancy. The results show post-operatively that the contours of the body appearance have changed. Similarly, in the case study a patient has chosen to have breast augmentation, abdominoplasty and mastopexy to improve the contours of her body post pregnancy.

It’s important to note that with post-pregnancy surgery, you allow your body time to recover and that you choose to have the surgery at the right time of your life. You’re more than welcome to discuss all these points and concerns in your consultation.

If you’d like more information on any post-pregnancy surgery options then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our case study page for further details on post-pregnancy surgical options such as breast augmentation, mastopexy, mini tummy tuck and mummy makeovers.

Different ways to contour your body through surgery

The choice to contour your body is a common surgery for most surgeons. The most common areas that patients request contouring on include the abdomen area, the breasts and the arms and thighs. In a lot of these surgeries, the surgery can also be done in a combination of areas.

This is shown in the case study provided where the lady has had her breasts and abdomen altered through surgery. Post-operatively, you can see that there has been a vast improvement in appearance for both areas.

There are a range of ways to contour your body through surgery. This can involve just liposuction alone which is shown in another example case study. Alternatively, it can also involve the procedure where only one zone tissue is operated on. The following case study shows results of a patient who has had a combination of abdominoplasty and fat transfer to the breasts to improve her appearance. 

Another way to contour your body is through implants where the appearance of the breast can appear fuller by lifting the breasts with fat or through an augmentation. Several case studies are provided to show these different methods. 

Due to the number of options available on how to contour the body, it’s important that your options are run through in a consultation to ensure that you receive the surgery that is right for you.

If you’d like more information on body contouring/lift then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our body lift case study page

I have different breast shapes, should I have the same implants?

A common question that patients tend to ask when they’re going through breast augmentation relates to them having different breast shapes, and whether because of this whether they should have the same or different shaped implants. When you ask yourself this question, it’s extremely important that the pros and cons are ran through for this during your consultation. 

It’s generally advised that having the same implants are more beneficial. In this vlog, there are 2 case studies provided of 2 patients who have different breast shapes. Despite them having different breast shapes, the same shaped implants have been used for both patients.

There are differences that can still occur with having the same implants but the differences are much less compared to the ones that would be visible post-operatively. According to literature, there’s a 30% chance of breast revision still being required 10 years after the surgery procedure has taken place. Considering this, it would be ideal to have the same implants with different breast shapes as this can be easier for the breast revision procedure. This is something that you should think about before deciding whether to have the same or different implants.

If you’d like more information on breast augmentation then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast augmentation case study page

Can Breast Implants Cause An Areola Lift?

For the next vlog series, we look at breast implants and whether having the surgery can cause an areola lift on your breasts. Implants come in many different shapes and sizes so it’s important to choose the correct one for you if you wish to see it has an impact on your nipples too. To lift the nipple, there must be extra volume in your lower pole and this can only be completed if you choose to have an anatomical implant or a shaped implant.

How an areola lift can be managed is if the implants have less volume in the upper layer and more volume in the lower parts, which causes the areola lift to occur. Each of the implants has different projections. For example, lighter implants are likely to have a higher projection which means it can cause the nipple and areola to lift.

In the case study provided, the patient has rather low nipples and breasts. They chose to have anatomical breast implants which helped with the areola lift and provide a more aesthetically pleasing result. It’s worth noting that the ageing process does continue after the procedures, so later down the line, your implants may require a lift again.

During your consultation, you can discuss the pros and cons of having breast implants and the impact they can have with lifting your nipples. If you’d like more information on breast augmentation surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast augmentation case study page.

Will The Shape Of My Breasts Change Post Breast Reduction?

For our next vlog series we look at the shape of breasts and if the shape of them change post breast reduction surgery. As there is a removal of tissue, patients may wonder if or how the shape of their breasts will change post breast reduction. Of course, every circumstance will change but this video will provide further details of the ways they can possibly change.

Breast reduction surgery involves the reduction of breast tissue in order for the breasts to appear smaller. There are several elements involved with breast reduction surgery including scars around the areola, and at least a vertical line present. There is also a fold incision required with an inframammary scar present. The inframammary scar can be used to elevate the fold up the chest wall. This is often a priority in particular for patients that have low breasts with low folds.

In the case study provided, the patient has low breasts with a low fold. A breast lift and reduction have taken place in this case with the low fold being a priority. The areola complex has also been lifted up the chest wall. The images showing the results 6 weeks post breast reduction shows equality in the shape of the breasts due to the elevation of the fold. They also appear to have a more natural look and the fold appears to have settled.

For a natural look, this should be expected to happen around 6-12 month post breast reduction. If you’d like more information on breast reduction surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page.

Breast Reduction Due To Back Pain – Can It Help?

The cause of back pain in the majority of women is due to having naturally large breasts. Having a breast reduction due to back pain is one of the solutions that many consider. The question is whether it can actually help the symptoms of large breasts such as neck and back pain. This vlog helps to explore breast reduction surgery in more detail and then look into whether it’s effective to have breast reduction due to back pain.

Breast reduction surgery involves the process of reducing the breast tissue, tightening the excess skin once the tissue is removed and elevating the nipple. How much tissue is removed depends on where the nipple lies on the inframammary fold. In order to provide an aesthetically pleasing result, the nipple needs to be placed around the inframammary fold after breast reduction due to back pain has taken place. This also applies to the lift that needs to be produced to push the breasts to a firmer position. If the nipple is placed relatively low on the breasts near the fold, they may require a further lift.

An example case study is provided which shows the patient’s nipple appearing quite low on the breasts, below the inframammary fold. As explained, when the nipple is elevated, the skin is tightened to allow the breasts to look more aesthetically pleasing. In this case study, a significant amount of breast tissue is removed and having a breast reduction due to back pain helped to reduce the symptoms of back pain and reduce them greatly for the patient.

It’s worth advising that it’s not 100% guaranteed neck and back pain will be reduced but it can be a popular solution for many patients.

If you’d like more information on breast reduction then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page

Would I Need A Breast Reduction Or Breast Lift?


In our next vlog of the series, we look at what patients may consider when deciding whether they need a breast reduction or breast lift. The two surgeries have two different purposes despite being relatively similar. This is the main reason why patients may be weighing up what option would be best for them before they go through the surgery. Before going into more detail, let’s look at the difference between a mastopexy and breast reduction surgery.

A mastopexy/breast lift involves lifting and tightening the existing skin in the breast area. This essentially helps the breasts to appear fuller and less aged.

A breast reduction involves the removal of skin and volume from the breast tissue to make the appearance of the breasts appear smaller.

There can be some cases where rather than choosing between having a breast reduction or breast lift, patients require both in order to get the results they require. There are two case studies provided in the video; the first shows an example of a breast lift being used. There has also been breast reduction used but this is minimal to remove the outer skin and reshape the breast.

The second case study shows an example of mastopexy being used. Again, in this case, though there has also been a form of breast reduction being used too. There are several factors that are considered when choosing between a breast reduction or breast lift including whether tissue needs to be removed, the volume of breast tissue and the size of the areola complex.

In some cases, both can be used but this can be discussed during a consultation to determine what option would be best for you. 

If you’d like more information on breast surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page

Should I Expect Areolas to Reduce After Breast Reduction Surgery?

A question that may arise during a consultation with patients is whether there are areola reductions after breast reduction surgery. In this video, we explore what specific changes can occur during breast reduction surgery. We’ll also discuss what expectations you should have from it.

Do Areolas Change After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that helps to reduce the volume of the breasts. As expected, this would also mean a change in the nipples in terms of their size and position. The size of the areolas after breast reduction surgery often changes. 

Nipple Reduction Following Top Surgery 

Initially when the surgery is conducted, the positioning of the areola complex would normally be seen at the fold of the breast before skin tightening occurs. Afterwards, changes are made to the position and size of the areola to ensure that it’s in proportion.

Areola Reduction After Top Surgery Case Study 

The following case study provides before and after photos from the breast reduction surgery. How the skin stretches can be rather unpredictable, which is why the areola requires stretching also. However, the appearance of the scars can appear better if less stretching occurs on the areolas.

The Importance Areola Reduction Case Studies 

Patients should look through case studies of those who have had similar surgery. This will help you to get a better understanding of what the final results of the surgery may look like. When looking at the patients before and after photos, consider their shape and size as this will provide you with the best indication.

For More Information on Nipple Reductions After Top Surgery…

If you’d like more information on breast reduction surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page.

What Is Body Jet Liposuction?

‘What is body jet liposuction?’ – Considering the range of liposuction options available this may be one question that you’d ask yourself. It’s important that you check to see what form of liposuction is best for you. Then consider the pros and cons of each. In this vlog, we’ll address the question of what is body jet liposuction and provide further details about how the procedure is conducted.

Body jet liposuction is a form of liposuction where a minor incision is placed within the treated area and a cannula is inserted inside. A high pressured water system is used to push through water to break up the deep fat inside the body. This form of liposuction is beneficial as it breaks the deep fat, improving cellulite appearance after the removal. This can also aid skin retraction.

Due to the local anaesthetic that’s applied to the water, the recovery process for the treatment is relatively quick. Although incisions need to be applied, you should expect them to fade in a short amount of time. Furthermore, they become un-noticeable rather quickly, lessening the chances of bruising. In the before and after photos in the video you’ll be able to see the results of liposuction. It’s advised that some discomfort will be felt. You should expect to see the full results of the surgery around 6 weeks after the procedure.

If you’d like more information on body jet liposuction then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our liposuction case study page.