How Much Tissue Is Removed In A Fleur De Lis Operation?

Continuing our abdomen theme, next we look at tissue removal in a Fleur De Lis operation and the considerations made before determining the amount of tissue is actually removed. In the video, further details are provided about the procedure and how it’s conducted. Essentially, a Fleur De Lis operation is similar to that of a tummy tuck, expect more can be removed through the fleur de lis method. It helps to narrow the waist line considerably more because where the skin is removed is around the midline of the abdomen, where it is more effective.

The video continues to explain how scarring that occurs from the Fleur De Lis operation has evolved over time. This is described through useful extracts that help to explain the information through diagrams. To help show the amount of tissue that can be removed during the operation, there are different case studies provided of patients that have differing body appearances where some patients have more excess skin than others, but still providing similar results. It can be difficult to determine how much tissue can be removed from first instance as further manipulation of the tissue can occur during the Fleur De Lis operation.

Generally, this type of surgery is normally considered by patients a lot of skin has developed around the midline as it can remove more tissue than standard tummy tuck procedures. Before a patient decides whether the procedure is suitable for them, a consultation will be provided to discuss the pros and cons of the procedure.

If you’d like more information on Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our Fleur De Lis case study page to see more examples of results from our performed treatments.

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